Thanks for your request

Quality products with guaranteed customer satisfaction – that is what we stand for. Our team is ready every day for questions, advice and quotations. We don’t waste any unnecessary time, but just like to keep things simple. 

Thank you for requesting a sample. We are going to prepare your sample and send it to you. We will follow these steps

If you have any questions regarding the sample, please let us know. You will find our contact details on our website.

Kind regards,

Contact details IssueTissue® b.v.

Jan Camperstraat 5 - Building 5 Unit 0.19 - NL 6416 SG Heerlen

Company details

IBAN NL14RABO0172098076
Traderegister The Hague 27163309
VAT NL 805462193B01
EORI nr. NL805462193


Statistical code of Harmonised System for hygienic paper products 48182010
Statistical code of Harmonised System for latex/nitrile gloves
Statistical code of Harmonised System for vinyl gloves